Sunday, February 27, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Value of Things

Most people are shallow; they have no idea how to value things. If they get something for a low price, they will not value it even if it is something worthy of care. Therefore do not undervalue yourself, in your own eyes or the eyes of others. The world will not reward you for it.
N.N. Scott

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Teaching the Faith

Anyone who sincerely, passionately believes in something, whose face is lit up with it so that others notice and react whether they wish to or not, is teaching his faith -- whatever that faith is -- and will suffer the consequences.
N.N. Scott

The Two Responsibilities

To feel distress at one's own inadequacy, and endeavor to do something about it, is a form of knowing and worshiping the Creator, which are the only two responsibilities of a human being.
N.N. Scott

Bearing the Load

Those who care about their work, and make every effort to do it well, usually bear the load of at least one or two, and sometimes a great many others, who do not.
N.N. Scott

A Supplication for Foriveness

To feel distress over one's inadequacy, without taking some kind of action to make up the deficiency, accomplishes no more than a supplication for forgiveness addressed to a nonentity.
N.N. Scott

What Work We are Doing

Most of us would agree that it is better to do our work well, than poorly -- but most of us actually know little about what work we are actually doing.
N.N. Scott

The Contented

The contented are most often ignorant of their incapacity.
N.N. Scott